Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Other Americans unhappy with Obama on foreign affairs, energy policy, health care, border control, and Joe Biden.


More Americans unhappy with Obama on economy, jobs

Also, snapshots can be misleading (example), but these hardhats don’t seem all that impressed with President Obama…

…do they?


  1. No, they are not respectful of the Commander-in Chief they elected.

    They love Richard Milhous Nixon, who shook hands with Mao, that started the shift of American jobs to China.

    The love them some Ronnie reagan, that sold American farms to the Japs and any other forienger with a dollar in their pocket.

    Some of those farms had been in white people's families for over two hundred years.

    Chinamen now own $800 billion dollars worth of American homes, thanks to nixon, reagan, both Bushes.

    America is now a nazi nation thanks to them also:


    Whites voted this negro into office, they will do it again next time.


  2. Well which is it, Pablo? Are we Nazis? Or a nation of whites who elected a (half) black president? Or maybe we're just a really confused nazi nation, we thought we could elect Obama's white half?

    That was probably Bush's fault too, right?
