Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jimmie Bise can shake it!

The “it” in this case being other bloggers' tip jars. He's got a list of several bloggers in need and he's rattling the tip jar for them, without rattling his own. Except maybe indirectly.

Very selfless of you, Jimmie.

I’m a bit ashamed that I’ve never hit another blogger’s tip jar, even when those bloggers – some of whom I read regularly and consider friends – have been in need.

On the other hand, I’ve never put up my own tip jar, and probably won’t. As awesome as it would be to bring in a little extra income from blogging, I've got a good day job. Others need the tip jar money more than me. If you, reader, have ever been gripped with the irresistable desire to send me ten bucks (or whatever), I urge you to instead send it to this guy, or this one, or this girl, or this one, or maybe this one. Or here. Or maybe here.

So, see, while I’ve never actually hit a tip jar myself, I’ve refrained from competing with those who have tip jars. Just think of it as tips “saved or created.”


  1. I don't donate a whole lot, but there is a certain pleasure in knowing that you're supporting good folks genuinely in need.

  2. I worry about hitting the jar for Iowahawk. He's liable to go on a bender

  3. [...] so we have that going for us.And now, links!Stacy McCain wants to go to Iowa. We should send him.Troglopundit and Moe Lane are fully on board with my crazy tip-jar idea. Want to rattle theirs? Go to [...]
