Friday, July 29, 2011

The creepiest thing you’ll see all day

Alternate headline: this eBay seller’s making a killing!

The story:

An eBay customer has paid almost $1 million to for a Casey Anthony rubber mask.

Described by the seller as “a significant piece of crime history” the mask was purchased with a winning bid of $999,900 last Wednesday, beating another 104 bids, the first started at $25.

The online seller called “prophunter” is based in LA and ended up with six rubber face masks of Anthony’s face that had been used in a parody video and put one of them on sale on eBay.

Have a look:

Are you totally creeped out right now? I am totally creeped out right now.

I get why the masks were made ("parody video," whatever that was), and I get why they’re being sold. But...almost a million dollars? How much could it possibly cost just to create a brand new mask?

There’s two more still available on ebay, by the way. Current bids are $26,000 and slightly less than $5,000. Go nuts.


  1. So has the bidder paid, or has the bidder only bid?

    Take it from an old school Ebay seller, these are not the same thing.

  2. [...] Lance Burri: The only thing creepier than Nancy Pelosi’s face? [...]

  3. [...] The Troglopundit has the creepiest thing you’ll see today. [...]
