Saturday, July 2, 2011

I’m still pretty sure we made the right decision.


Most residents think Jamaica ‘better off as a British colony,’ poll suggests

Does a poll “suggest?” When a clear majority says “yes?”

Next year will mark the 50th anniversary of Jamaican independence from the United Kingdom, but a new island-wide poll suggests most residents of the tiny Caribbean nation believe they would be better off had the country remained a British colony.

The survey, conducted for the Jamaica Gleaner newspaper by Johnson Survey Research, found that 60 per cent of Jamaicans think the country would be better off today if it was still under British rule. A mere 17 per cent said they believed the country would be worse off. The remaining 23 per cent of respondents said they didn’t know.


The results speak to weak economic progress Jamaica has made in the last 50 years compared to neighbouring states and other developing nations, pollster Bill Johnson told the Toronto Star on Wednesday from Kingston.

“The point obviously is that people’s main concern here is the struggle to survive, finding food for the bellies of their children,” said Johnson, who has worked as pollster for 35 years.

“It seems to me most people don’t care if there’s a monarchy or dictatorship. They’re just trying to survive.”

Well, doesn’t that just put the economic policies of America’s liberals into an entirely different light. Ha! No. Same light as usual.

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