I say it was stupid because he kept a story alive in which the President of the United States became publicly involved in a local police matter, and not a very serious one. Don't you have anything better to worry about?
Much fun was made of the participants' choice of beers. Particularly Obama's. Bud Light? He's wealthy, he's the leader of the free world, and he prefers Bud Light. That cries out for mockery.
But actually, not so much. I bet Obama just isn't much of a beer drinker. He is a sports fan though, and if you watch sports on TV in the United States, then you've seen that near-ubiquitous ad campaign - you know, the many many Bud Light commercials, all of which feature the catchphrase "here we go!"
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeo9mVnuuWo&w=560&h=349]
So, if you aren't into beer, but you watch a lot of sports, what are you gonna say when asked to pick a beer? The one you've heard about over, and over, and over, right? Right. On the other hand...
Obama isn't going to be president forever. And as ex-presidents go, he's still going to be fairly young. He'll need an income. I bet the entire beer summit was part of a long con game (the reporter who asked him about the original incident was probably a plant, even) to get himself an endorsement deal. So as his first term winds down, watch for Obama to start sprinkling that catchphrase into his speeches.
[caption id="attachment_23321" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Too bad I don't know anyone who could Photoshop some beers into this picture."]
"My fellow Americans, tonight it is my privilege to report to you, on the state of the union. Here we go!"
You heard it here first.
UPDATE: Oh yeah, I do know someone who can photoshop some beers in there.
The Kool-Aid guy was a nice touch, I thought.
[...] The Endorsement Deal, part II: [...]
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