Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Misleading Headline of the Day:

The headline:

Sorry, everyone: Scientists prove time travel impossible

No, they didn’t. They only proved that nothing can move faster than light in a vacuum based on what we know today. That doesn’t prove that time travel is “impossible.”

Personally, I’m convinced time travel is possible, but that we will never achieve it. The theory works like this:

  • Time travel is invented;

  • Somebody travels back through time;

  • That person inevitably changes history, whether purposely or not;

  • Repeat steps 1 and 2 until…

  • History is changed in such a way that time travel is never invented.

According to this theory, there's no state of being other than one in which we'll never, ever achieve time travel. Unless you count putting a few thousand dollars into an investment account and then freezing yourself long enough for it to make you wildly rich, but that's not really "time travel." It's just sleeping for a really long time.

There’s a name for that theory, by the way, but my usual amount (5 minutes) of internet research failed to dig it up for me.

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