…by investing Obama with near-unilateral power to raise the ceiling (it’s not fully unilateral because Congress could, in theory, override him with a 2/3 vote), it makes him almost wholly responsible for the debt hike, which will be a major political liability with the election around the corner and a plurality of voters still more worried about raising the ceiling than letting a default happen. After a month of shrieking from lefty legal experts about how the Fourteenth Amendment supposedly lets O ignore the ceiling, here’s McConnell calling their bluff. You want to own America’s debt problem? Enjoy.
Like Joe said: come on, man! Voters won’t fall for that kind of crap. Not good conservative Tea Party voters, anyway. If any Republican says: "Obama did it, his fault, he owns it," the voters will first pick their jaws up off the ground and then say “yeah, but you voted to let him do it.”
And then they'll extend their middle fingers toward those same Republicans and go vote for some damn Libertarian or something.
Maybe Allahpundit is just thinking out loud. I do that sometimes, too: just throw something down on electron and see if it sticks. If so, I’ll go on record with: Allahpundit is way off. Republicans can agree to a debt ceiling increase, but it has to be paired with immediate – meaning the next fiscal year – spending cuts of more than a dollar-for-dollar. Any other deal is a defeat, and the base will punish Republicans for that defeat.
Via Memeorandum.
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