Thursday, July 14, 2011

Admittere, quod admiratio quis semper TrogloPundit quasi in Latin.

Translation: Commit, and wondered what TrogloPundit is always as it were in Latin.

Alternate title: God I love internet translators.

The story:

Google launches Latin translation tool

Google Translate, a service that can instantly translate entire web pages or chunks of text in to another language, has added Latin to its list.

Google Translate supports more than 50 languages, including minority languages such as Welsh and Haitian Creole, and the addition of Latin is sure to please scholars and traditionalists.

Cool. I love stuff like this. Except, y’know, these internet translators kind of suck. Especially if you want to do more than translate a single word here or there, or maybe a phrase. They really work like crap.

Example One. Example Two.

Example Three: this post's title started out as “Admit it, you have always wondered what The TrogloPundit looked like in Latin.” I ran that through Google's Latin translator, then reversed the translation and got...well, that. It didn’t even translate the word “Latin!”

Yeah, I’m hoping that word has a translation. Maybe it doesn’t. I don’t speak Latin, y’know, so I dunno.

Still. Fun. Wanna see this whole blog translated into internet Latin? Click here!

Say, what language did the Spartans speak? Greek?