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The TrogloPundit
Sunday, July 10, 2011
This Week in Automotivators, July 4-10
Just a few extra stories I may or may not have blogged about over the past week, plus a chance to link to a few blogs I may or may not have had the chance to link. Click above each picture for more background.
Except this one - this one shouldn't need a link.
Click here
for this next one:
American Glob:
Gateway Pundit:
The Crawdad Hole:
And So It Goes In Shreveport:
And, since
thinks we need it:
Peace, yo.
This Week in Automotivators, June 20-26
This Week in Automotivators, June 27-July 3
Make your own automotivators.
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Blog Archive
So now that there's a debt ceiling deal, can we fi...
This Week in Automotivators, July 25-31
Over at Right Wing News today, I overthink this pi...
I guess she'd rathered kiss a Wookiee
See? The stock market isn't doing that bad!
Wow, the resemblance is uncanny.
The Adult Diaper Astronaut was still serving as a ...
Nobody tell Mister Pterodactyl
The creepiest thing you’ll see all day
Is it my birthday? Obama’s approval ratings drop t...
As of today, I become the answer to the Ultimate Q...
Trog asked for this
Here's why I haven't blogged at all today:
I'm off to the Green Bay Packers' annual sharehold...
"Deficits are like smoking: difficult to give up."
We’re here, we’re rich…
In Single Girl’s News Today:
Why? Is al-Qaeda handling their finances like we’r...
Hey, where’s Perry?
“GOP in chaos.” They say that like it’s news or so...
Misleading Headline of the Day:
I’ve always thought I’d die in some kind of freak ...
Wisconsin professor wins national Bad Writing Contest
The other 48% were too shocked to answer the quest...
Insty has another pre-Ames GOP poll up…
What is it about fame and wealth that turn people ...
Yes, technically, that would be illegal in the NFL...
Other Americans unhappy with Obama on foreign affa...
Shorter New York Times: the only way to pay off cu...
Jimmie Bise can shake it!
Wisconsin soldier invents anti-IED device
Hey, where's Perry? Not on the Ames straw poll, th...
Jaw-dropping Headline of the Day
The Trog comes back, and good things happen: the r...
Should I keep going with the new blogging strategy...
I dozed in my tent during a light rain, dreaming o...
Okay, I'm back, and...oh, goody, cannibal pedophil...
Trog will be back at some point
Now that's my kinda crazy
Congratulations to The Trog and Mr. Pterodactyl
It Was Twenty Years Ago Today, Jeffrey Dahmer's Di...
Here We Go!
Remember the "beer summit"?
Well, That Explains a Lot
In many places around the world, they play a game ...
Post Card from TrogloVacationers
I hear radio commercials, and I hate them
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn Prepping to Challenge ...
It may be hot as hell in southeastern Wisconsin th...
Did you know that Aaron Rodgers has his own music ...
My Body, My Choice
Ripped from yesterday's headlines
This Week in Automotivators
109 years ago today, something wonderful happened.
The Wacky World of Intellectual Homo Sapiens
What do Ann Althouse, Kenneth Anderson, Ed Driscol...
Chavez Post Surgery Interview
It's Party Time Here at The TrogloPundit
I awoke early this morning to the most tempting ca...
Kaley Cuoco, on the other hand, is not smarter tha...
"… somewhere out there is a big meteor with all ou...
What’s the best way to catch a toddler falling fro...
Oh, yeah. Sure we recognize you. It’s just you loo...
Keith Hennessey is smarter than me, and after read...
Tweet of the Week
Only forty cups of coffee a day?
Good Fatherhood
Okay, so somebody explain to me how Google+ is bet...
Half of this headline is a “well, duh” facepalm, t...
Scary chart of the day
Do we want a president who is popular in Arab coun...
Proof the world hasn’t gone completely mad:
Wow, these atheists really want Rick Perry elected...
Admittere, quod admiratio quis semper TrogloPundit...
Wisconsin, New Jersey understand math.
Protesters drown out Governor Scott Walker at cent...
At some point you’ve made enough money, or: we’ll ...
Megan Fox faked not faking her fake facial express...
If your offensive line won’t block, there’s not mu...
What is Allahpundit talking about?
This is a test of the Emergency Blogging System
Yet another reason to Escape to Wisconsin. Just do...
Hey, yeah, I thought the Social Security “trust fu...
Wall Street more reliable than the housing market ...
Bear interrupts filming of “How To Avoid Bears” do...
“The plural of anecdote is data,” liberal Democrat...
I’d buy you a beer, but you won’t be legal until O...
"…if the nation is becoming addicted to hysteria p...
“Ron Paul for President” bumper sticker industry g...
To be fair, I can’t guarantee it, either.
Elliot has a question…
I've been re-living Frank Zombo’s Superbowl sack e...
Sarah Palin, Covergirl
I turn my back for one minute and I miss out on an...
Great. Just put them on a Sports Illustrated cover...
I've only got one more post in me about the federa...
Three reasons the "debt deal" collapsed, besides t...
Does anyone else have the theme song from "Inspect...
In Single Girl's News today:
This Week in Automotivators, July 4-10
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The TrogloPundit
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